Friday, December 4, 2009

Does My Dog Have Ringworm What Are The Odds Of Contracting Ringworm From A Dog?

What are the odds of contracting ringworm from a dog? - does my dog have ringworm

My friend says that her doctor said she may have ringworm, and it is certain that our dog is lying down, it is not often. I think it's because they do not wash the leaves, as if something has to be ... In any case, what are the chances that our dog is infected with ringworm?


Kate said...

Sorry to say, but the chances are good that came from .... ringworm dog or comes into contact with a floor. Chances are, unless your friend is a gardener, or spend time in the gym ... Your dog is the most likely cause.

The dog does not need to be in bed ringworm. When you leave to do so, just because Pat May, you will receive, except that the bed from time to time, you can always ringworm spores on the leaves .... or on the couch or floor.

If you think this is not to wash the sheets often enough, then you are mistaken. Yes, you need to change the sheets more often, but mainly because since the spores are already there. You can change the tide now, and if the dog or his girlfriend, without having played 100 percent of the treatment can be resumed and again and again.

"• You can touch ringworm that has a pet get a fungal infection.
• Dogs and cats and pets can be infected by ringworm and easily on their own passport
• You can braid on the floors of public restrooms or locker rooms or damp surfaces obtained. This is the most common method of contracting ringworm.
• You get ringworm objects touched by an infected person may like hats, combs, brushes, towels, telephone, gym mats and shower.


• the full treatment prescribed by your doctor even if symptoms disappear.
• Minimize close contact with all animals to processing.
• Make sure that the person or an animal that is the source of infection has been treated.
• Use a cane or a bathroom cleaner contains a fungus that kills the agent.
• regularly your pets environment of bleach and water (10:1) dilution clean, or use our PetsBestRx nontoxic bleach disinfection is not possible. ...

Mike J said...

I do not think it likely, but never say never.

Ringworm can spread a number of sources. Do not worry about what would happen. Just worried, and cleaning and change of bed linen and fits your lifestyle. For now, only some Lotrimin AF.

Mike J said...

I do not think it likely, but never say never.

Ringworm can spread a number of sources. Do not worry about what would happen. Just worried, and cleaning and change of bed linen and fits your lifestyle. For now, only some Lotrimin AF.

Mike J said...

I do not think it likely, but never say never.

Ringworm can spread a number of sources. Do not worry about what would happen. Just worried, and cleaning and change of bed linen and fits your lifestyle. For now, only some Lotrimin AF.

Snout said...

Sure, blame the dog.

Sorry, but if you take your partner, the number one in the list of possible perpetrators.

Keep out of bed, until the treatment of ringworm. And wash your hands.

Lisa G said...

Ringworm is a contagious fungal infection that occurs in all types of animals. Ringworm is not associated with worms, is derived the name from a characteristic red ring that appears in the infected area.
Typically, scabies and lichen is gray and white than the surrounding skin. The infection spreads from the center outwards. Typically, lesions appear on ringworm of the head and neck, but can ringworm be found in the body in severe cases.

Some animals have a natural immunity that prevents the development of lesions, but the butterfly can be a source of infection. Ringworm is usually less frequent in spring and summer. Ringworm is contagious until the lesions appear.

Animals and humans can ringworm through direct contact with infected animals may be infected and in contact with contaminated surfaces or objects.

So the dog can and can be the cause. It is treatable, but highly contagious. Do everything you can, and when the doctor said. The fungus is after symptoms disappear immediately. Good LU

Lisa G said...

Ringworm is a contagious fungal infection that occurs in all types of animals. Ringworm is not associated with worms, is derived the name from a characteristic red ring that appears in the infected area.
Typically, scabies and lichen is gray and white than the surrounding skin. The infection spreads from the center outwards. Typically, lesions appear on ringworm of the head and neck, but can ringworm be found in the body in severe cases.

Some animals have a natural immunity that prevents the development of lesions, but the butterfly can be a source of infection. Ringworm is usually less frequent in spring and summer. Ringworm is contagious until the lesions appear.

Animals and humans can ringworm through direct contact with infected animals may be infected and in contact with contaminated surfaces or objects.

So the dog can and can be the cause. It is treatable, but highly contagious. Do everything you can, and when the doctor said. The fungus is after symptoms disappear immediately. Good LU

SUE ELLEN said...

Wash your sheets often. I know you can ringworm in cats, but I'm sure the dogs for them. However, the moth breeds in water and mud puddles, which can come from anywhere ringworm. Let the dog does not leak and keep OFFF bed.

SUE ELLEN said...

Wash your sheets often. I know you can ringworm in cats, but I'm sure the dogs for them. However, the moth breeds in water and mud puddles, which can come from anywhere ringworm. Let the dog does not leak and keep OFFF bed.

dat93 said...

If the dog has ringworm, is a very good opportunity. Ringworm is a fungus is very contagious and by touch. It can be transmitted from person to person. Maybe she has picked up everywhere. Good luck to everyone, even the dog! Treatment is available, but for humans and animals.

kbib12 said...

It is possible that dogs infected with ringworm, if any.

If your friend has ringworm, seek the same regions of the dog you have.

Ringworm is a fungus found in soil. It is also possible that it was acquired by walking barefoot outside.

I included a link to your information.

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