Can anyone tell me what my dream meant? - dream of new born baby with teeth
Last night I dreamed I was pregnant, and I could not my boss's wife, have children and was forced to my child at birth. It was the dream of a very dark and disturbing.
was set in an old house of my dreams was the boss of my house and the garden was a dark beach, but the sand instead of yellow-painted concrete. When I was in the process of birth, giving my teeth, so that started on (covered in my dream, I wanted to say what), just before giving birth and I was very sorry that my son and had culdnt without. I woke feeling very angry and desperate, and I really want to know what she meant by that?
This could mean that you are overwhelmed by your boss, or he could say anything. ), Dreams (in most cases are just random combinations of things that we have seen and heard throughout the day, playing in his head, are the long-term storage. It is also a source for creating new memories and keep your brain active during the night.
This dream shows that you feel encouraged by his boss. He does things that the sacrifice that you are working in the life for him.
The tooth is only because, as you dreamed, he began to fasten his teeth in his sleep.
This meant that they slept. Dreams have no real significance for something in real life, except perhaps a source of stress relief.
This meant that they slept. Dreams have no real significance for something in real life, except perhaps a source of stress relief.
You're in love with her boss.
You're in love with her boss.
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