For how long should I take melatonin? - melatonin how long does it take to work
I sleep every day at 2 clock in the morning and find it very difficult to arrive at the office and work.
I bought melatonin.
Tell me, how I take the dose. How long should I melatonin.
Take as long as you want, but stay with a brand and follow the instructions on the box. It may take several days until one or two weeks to work.
Melatonin is available in capsules, and sublingual. I wonder what you bought? I found it easier to handle.
You'll be amazed at the amount of information that a pharmacist can give. "But you should ask yourself. You are very familiar with the OTC (over the counter) and prescription drugs.
Therefore, dear Madam, "pharmacist" remember "who are always willing to discuss their training and experience with you and share it with your cans.
I'm no expert, but I suggest you start with a small dose adjust his body to this new substance. After 3-4 days or a week, you can dose. How long? To the extent that you need to sleep you. May I suggest a half-hour of exercise (running, mill, which is always enjoyed before dinner, after work), stimulates the muscles, which in turn helps you sleep. Secondly, a glass of warm milk before bedtime also helps you sleep well. These suggestions may or may not work for you? In any case, I wish himbest. SS
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